Thursday, April 30, 2009

Heavenly Silence and Blue Mountain Coffee

We are in Negril this week to celebrate our friends' Jamie and Jaclene. They are getting married tomorrow and several of their friends and all of their family came to this amazing resort to witness their vows. The resort is made up of 5 or 6 villas that range in size from 1-5 bedrooms. They are immaculately kept and tucked away from neighboring resorts. Their wedding party has the entire resort rented out so we are practically on our own island! The rooms, the grounds, the staff and the food are incredible. We have a direct view of the ocean from our balcony! It's beautiful! Other than one issue with a bartender in the bride and groom's villa, which was quickly dealt with and resolved, it is pretty much perfect! We got in yesterday and I haven't taken any pictures yet but I will sure to post a couple here and on Facebook.
As for now, I am the first one up (I know to some people this is extremely hard to believe, but it's true) and relishing in the sounds of quiet. The birds are chirping outside and I can hear the fountains by the pool running. I am about to have my first cup of Blue Mountain coffee and read a book on the patio. This is such a happy, me-time quiet that I hope everyone else sleeps in for a couple more hours!

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