Monday, August 24, 2009

Past and Present

We were up in New York this weekend for Rich's 20 year High School reunion. What a trip down memory lane! It was kinda cool to see him reminisce with all his old HS buddies. It gave me a glimpse into his life as a teenager. Before college, before real life, before me. I like that. It made me feel closer to him and understand more about where he came from outside of his parents' home. He was so excited to see some of his old friends. He was smiling the whole night and, once he got past the dreaded "Am I going to remember anyone?" fear, I think he wished the night could have gone on longer. I hope he keeps in touch with some of the people he thought were forever in his past. I think it's good to have those people around who keep you grounded in the present by reminding you of where you came from. Good times!

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