Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Faith is a powerful thing. It is also something I think is too often tied into religion and God. Of course, it has its place in Christianity, Buddhism and other religious parties but I believe faith is more encompassing that just religion. I believe you can have faith in the universe, in destiny and in people. Or maybe people's souls. Wherever one's faith lies, I hope every person has faith in something; believes in something enough that they feel it in their souls. Those who don't I call lost souls. I can't feel their pain but I can see it in their eyes and causes me pain of another kind. My heart goes out for all the lost souls that are close to me and even those I have only met briefly. I pray for these lost souls every day. I pray that they find something to believe in. I am a realist but I also believe in a greater power. God, the universe, karma...call it what you want but I think every soul needs something to believe in and what I pray for is that every lost soul can find that faith. It brings peace. It brings security. It brings confidence. It's faith that allows you to find comfort in life and with yourself.

1 comment:

  1. well said. I really like your last 4 sentances. Life isn't always easy but I know without my faith I would not have made it thru the trying times and loss in my life.
