Saturday, October 10, 2009
Aaron Karo
He recently came out with a website on which fans can submit their own "ruminations" and rate other fans' posts. He even uses his own coined term in the rating system, calling a "thumbs up" rating "gourmet." So, I randomly had a thought (or rumination, if you will) not too long ago and submitted it to the website.
I just wanted to point out that I thoroughly enjoy reading this guy's material and, although the website isn't nearly as funny as his column, I do occasionally stop by for a chuckle.
Laughter is a wonderful way to pass a few minutes, don't you think?
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
I'm about to be single again
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
I'm not as young as I once was
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Stupid Elbow
1. Keep doing what I am doing which is mostly natural and making SLLLOOOOOOOOWWWWW progress in getting better. A few Advil here and there help but it is mostly two steps forward and one step back. Frustrating to say the least.
2. Stop exercising. This is a difficult pill to swallow as I have lost 13+ pounds in the past year and feel like I am on a roll I don't want to give up. I love my gym. I love my workouts.
3. Seek medical advice and most likely get a cortisone shot. I am leery about this since I feel it will only mask the pain and not deal with the problem itself.
Obviously, I will not stop the chiropractic, trigger point, laser and acupressure work but this slow and steady pace is steadily stressing me out!
Monday, August 24, 2009
Past and Present
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Conquering a fear
The only problem I ran into was the motion sickness. You have to paddle through a lot of waves and go over them while laying on your belly. This caused a bit of a **blech** feeling in my stomach. By the time I couldn't take that anymore we only had ten minutes left in our lesson anyway. So, I dragged the board out of the water and posed with it until it was time to go back to the hotel. I know, I'm a little narcissistic but oh well, it made for a cute "surfer dude" picture!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
One Crazy Summer
But the project I am working on now is going to be great if it goes according to plan. I am taking a group of 50 people to Laguna Beach, California and spoiling them rotten! Which, by the way, means i get to take part in the spoils too. At least a little bit or it wouldn't be fair! We are staying at the Ritz-Carlton Laguna Niguel and I am stoked because I have never stayed at a Ritz! Drank at the bar of one. Went to a birthday party in a suite at one. But never stayed there. Exciting stuff, I tell you! AND I get to take surfing lessons which I am actually quite excited about. Never thought I would have any desire to do that but it sounds fun! So I thought I would give it a whirl.
Hmmmm, what else, waiting for conference call now so I have a couple minutes of free time. Oh! I know...we went to Charlotte this past weekend for a fraternity reunion with Rich's old frat buddies and their families. It was really fun and I think Rich is happy he reconnected with some people he had lost touch with over the years. It was cool to watch him interact with all his old friends. I like getting little snippets and insights into what his life was like in college and before he met me.
Gotta's ringing....
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Being a Dancer
So, as the show goes on and the dancing goes from great to phenomenal, I soak up every second of artistry. I cry more and more with each show as I learn each dancers styles and strengths and watch them perform and grow. I love being a dancer!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Sunday, May 17, 2009
We are no longer dirty
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Heavenly Silence and Blue Mountain Coffee
As for now, I am the first one up (I know to some people this is extremely hard to believe, but it's true) and relishing in the sounds of quiet. The birds are chirping outside and I can hear the fountains by the pool running. I am about to have my first cup of Blue Mountain coffee and read a book on the patio. This is such a happy, me-time quiet that I hope everyone else sleeps in for a couple more hours!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Salsa Disappointment
Monday, April 20, 2009
The Jeep
SUCCESS!! I figured it out. It was actually much easier than I anticipated! Hooray!
Well, I hope you love it as much as I do! I need to get running boards for it though because it is pretty high and if I ever have to wear a skirt or dress I don't want to pull a "Britney." For now I can just trade with Rich but maybe I can get the running boards for my birthday. I'll have to convince Rich of what an excellent idea I just had!
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Haven't been feelin' it...
I picked up my new Jeep and have been loving it!! Although it has rained almost every day since I have had it, it's still super fun to drive! My best friend (Karla) from Phoenix came to stay with me for a few days. Rich went to Brazil for a week. My stepmom got a bad infection from an abscessed tooth, was really sick for a few days and ultimately had to have it removed. But the thing that has affected me the most was my mom getting laid off from her job. I finally talked to her and she seems to be doing okay so that is a load off! But I wasn't expecting that at all! She didn't want to talk for the first few days and I just stayed worried that whole time. It just sucks that someone who has been through so much and has financially and emotionally come so far, should lose her job. Not fair! But she is a survivor and will triumph again! I believe that in my heart of hearts!
I think so much going on in such a short time just put me into a funk that I have finally been able to come out of. I try to pretend like I can handle it but I really don't deal all that well with changes, surprises and things that interrupt my daily routine. I can adapt to just about anything but it takes some time and when too many things are going on at once my head starts to spin. But he spinning has stopped, life is back to all it's splendor and beauty and everyone I love is healthy! That is a wonderful thing!
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Great Day!
Friday, March 20, 2009
Painting the least I'm not doing it
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Happy St. Patrick's Day to everyone! It's just another Tuesday here so I will be working, going to the gym, and then home to have dinner and watch American Idol. I can't help it! I still love that show! And I still vote too! I know, it's a sickness. :) This year I like Michael, Kris, Alexis, Danny, Megan and Scott. It's early so I have yet to narrow it down. I am sure I will be discussing my picks as the weeks wear on! Ahh, reality television...I was against it at first but it slowly won me over and now I can't get enough! Love it!
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Blog Virgin
That being said, nothing to report today really. Just got back from a friend's bachelor/bachelorette celebration (we left before the debauchery began!) I had a few beers and am feeling no pain right now! HAHA Going to a bar in the Highlands also confirmed to me how far away we live from anything fun!! Woodstock is definitely BFE!
I have honey cinnamon pretzels from Mellow Mushroom waiting for me! They are calling my name! Ta!