Wednesday, June 16, 2010

You play, you pay

I have been on a roll lately with my working out and calorie counting and trying to eat cleaner and healthier. Even lost 4 pounds and it looked like it was more than that! Then I went to Nashville.

I drank too much. I ate too much. I worked out...not at all. Lovely! I worked out with Adam on Monday for the first time in a week and a half and let me tell you what...I hurt!! Seriously, I can barely walk today and it is TWO DAYS LATER!! Here's the part you will think is funny, I am schedule to work out with him again in about 35 minutes. I must be crazy! This is going to hurt...

P.S. I have also been having a hard time staying within my allotted calorie intake. Yep, been overshooting that by at least 250 calories every day since I have been back. I have no will power!!!