Friday, February 19, 2010

Detoxing and Lasers

I'm currently doing this detox program with my chiropractor. As a little background my chiro's office is more of a "wellness center" than just a chiropractic practice. They do supplements, foot baths, kinesiology, shakra balancing, color therapy, emotional cleanses, etc. ANYHOO, the program I am doing is supposed to take fat cells that have been sitting in places forever and won't go away (belly, thighs, butt), and open them up so the body can dissolve and flush them from the system. When fat cells are formed it is usually during time of crisis. Needless to say, the "cell memory" of these contain any negative feelings you may have been harboring when you gained weight. The detox process is tough because I have been feeling anxiety, exhaustion, reclusiveness and have been VERY grumpy! Crazy right? Well I know these things are finally working their way out of my system and my chiro has a few tricks up his sleeve to make me feel oh-so-much better! I am about halfway though the process and am feeling good about it. Get that junk out! No more old, harbored, bad feelings lying dormant in my body! And by the way, as the fat goes away, so do inches from your body! Bonus!!