Thursday, July 30, 2009

One Crazy Summer

Wow! Has it really been almost a month since I have last updated this? Sheesh! Time flies when you are having fun...or when you are so unbelievably busy you can't see straight. I can't remember exactly how the saying goes. Anyway, just been another crazy summer. I can't believe August is right around the corner. We have reunions and gatherings and work and work and work...
But the project I am working on now is going to be great if it goes according to plan. I am taking a group of 50 people to Laguna Beach, California and spoiling them rotten! Which, by the way, means i get to take part in the spoils too. At least a little bit or it wouldn't be fair! We are staying at the Ritz-Carlton Laguna Niguel and I am stoked because I have never stayed at a Ritz! Drank at the bar of one. Went to a birthday party in a suite at one. But never stayed there. Exciting stuff, I tell you! AND I get to take surfing lessons which I am actually quite excited about. Never thought I would have any desire to do that but it sounds fun! So I thought I would give it a whirl.
Hmmmm, what else, waiting for conference call now so I have a couple minutes of free time. Oh! I know...we went to Charlotte this past weekend for a fraternity reunion with Rich's old frat buddies and their families. It was really fun and I think Rich is happy he reconnected with some people he had lost touch with over the years. It was cool to watch him interact with all his old friends. I like getting little snippets and insights into what his life was like in college and before he met me.
Gotta's ringing....

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Being a Dancer

Every year when So You Think You Can Dance comes on I tune in to be entertained by the try-out episodes. It never fails to make me laugh! But the stand out performances are the one that touch me as a dancer. Not that I would have every been good enough to be on a show like this but taking dance for so many years instilled a love and an appreciation for all types of dance and creative movement. When you can get chills from watching someone use their body to create art or even be brought to tears, you are a dancer. Even if you have never set foot on a stage, donned a tutu or worn holes through the bottoms of your dance shoes and then wrapped them wit duct tape because the new ones just didn't feel the same, if you can feel a dance performance in your soul, you are a dancer.

So, as the show goes on and the dancing goes from great to phenomenal, I soak up every second of artistry. I cry more and more with each show as I learn each dancers styles and strengths and watch them perform and grow. I love being a dancer!